Cooking with Friends continues! This time it was with Colleen and Wilf, with Wilfy giving me more training. As you can see by the photo, I now have some appropraite cooking wear... (thanks to Reesa and C&W!)

This was quite the feast - it took 3 hours to cook! And while I can't promise no one was hurt during the making of this feast (how's that burn doing Wilfy?) I can say that we made a delicious meal, and would recommend greek-lovers to try some of these recipes.
Now, I think I have to caution my readers that these recipes aren't necessarily what we made or consumed, as, honestly, I was cooking with Wilfy, and Wilfy and recipes don't seem to get along......... =P But I think they are pretty darn close! I'll point it out where I have no idea if it matches up.
Pita Bread
taken from Joy of Cooking)
3 cups bread flour
1.5 tablespoons sugar
1.5 teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons active dry yeast (this is really cool to watch happening)
2 tablespoons melted butter
1.25 cups water
Mix everything together and knead for 10 min or so until dough is smooth, soft and elastic (gooey). Transfer to oiled bowl and turn over once, then let rise (covered by plastic) for about an hour, or until doubled in volume. Then divide into roughly 8 pieces and roll out with some flour into flat rounds. Let rise again if you want. Place rounds onto pizza stone (or other baking surface) and wait until puffy areas form. Flip and then remove. The cooking is about 1 min per side. Beware, oven is hot (see above re Wilfy's burn).
(also from
Joy of Cooking)
3/4 cup of chickpeas
3 tablespoons of tahini
2 cloves of garlic
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
Some olive oil.
1/2 teaspoon cumin
Pure in blender, adding oil to smoothen.
Tatsiki (no idea how to spell it).
Balkan plain yoghurt
Wilfy did this one, so I don't know. I believe it was to add the shredded cucumber to the yoghurt and stir. I'll check and change the post once I find out more details.
Greek Chicken
Lemon Juice
This was all by Wilfy guess, so I can't say how much other than 3 lemons and probably 3 cloves of garlic. The Oregano was just shaken in. Add the chopped up chicken and let marinade for a few hours, preferably overnight. It's cool, the acid cooks the chicken in the fridge.
Then put the chicken onto skewers and broil (or cook on BBQ) until the chicken is done.
Greek Potatoes
Chicken Stock
Lemon juice
Admittedly I can't remember all this. I believe we mixed all the liquid ingredients together, then poured over the potatoes and baked in a 400F oven for about an hour. It was good, and surprisingly had no garlic.
Greek Salad
Feta Cheese
Red Onion
Green Peppers
optional: olives
Method: Chop into chunks, mix and serve. Could sprinkle some olive oil to moisten, but not needed.
Results: Well, it was a very tasty meal. I would probably take the garlic up a notch in the humus, and the lemon down a notch in both the chicken and potatoes, but this was an excellent start!!